Enter your monthly consumption and your bill period to generate bill.
Electricity Bill Calculator by numbers.lk, proposed tariff (January 2025)
Enter your monthly consumption and your bill period to generate bill.
Enter your monthly salary + allowances to calculate the Advance Personal Income Tax.
Inflation Adjusted Salary (Real Wage) Calculator based on CCPI
With Card Offers Finder, you can effortlessly browse and contrast offers from multiple credit and debit card providers.
Tracks Movement of Exchange rates of Major Currencies (USD, EURO, JPY), against LKR"
SPEED.NUMBERS.LK is an Internet speed tester that accurately checks your internet speed and helps you find the most suitable internet service provider for you.
With Loan Installment Calculator you can easily find information relating to installments of your loan
With VAT Calculator you can easily find details relating to VAT charges for a product or service